Useful Immunisation & Travel Health resources
Useful resources
Immunisation Training Standards
Immunisation training standards for healthcare practitioners – GOV.UK
Immunisation training of healthcare support workers: national minimum standards and core curriculum– GOV.UK
The Role of Nursing Associates in Vaccination and Immunisation – RCN Guidance
Flu immunisation training recommendations
Training recommendations for Covid-19 vaccinators
UKHSA Immunisation Resources
The Green Book Online Immunisation Against Infectious Disease
UKHSA: Immunisation collection. Sign up for email updates here
Vaccine Update: Newsletter for regular vaccination news
Bitesize Immunology | British Society for Immunology
Green book Chapter 1 Immunity and how vaccines work
World Health Organization: How do vaccines work?
Immunisation Schedules and Comparison tools
Complete routine immunisation schedule
Vaccination of individuals with uncertain or incomplete immunisation
UK and international immunisation schedules comparison tool
Vaccine Preventable Disease Terms in Multiple Languages
Legal Governance
Specialist Pharmacy Service Patient Group Directions
Specialist Pharmacy Service Patient Specific Directions
Using written instructions for seasonal flu vaccination
PGDs and Occupational Health Services
Delegation and Accountability: NMC code
Best practice for medicines management and vaccination
Patient Group Directions and electronic record systems
Specialist Pharmacy Service: Options for GP practices providing influenza vaccination to staff
Competency Framework and Competency Tools
RCN Immunisation Knowledge and Skills Competence Assessment Tool
UKHSA Flu Vaccinator Competency assessment tool
UKHSA Covid-19 vaccinator competency assessment tool
Good Practice Guidance for Providing a Travel Health Service
RCN Travel Health Nursing: career and competence development
Vaccine Handling & Storage and Protocols
Vaccine incident guidance: responding to vaccine errors
Protocol for ordering, storing, and handling vaccines
Vaccines stored outside the recommended temperature range
Vaccine Ingredients and Vaccine Safety
Electronic Medicines Compendium
Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) Yellow Card
NHS Vaccinations: Why vaccination is important and the safest way to protect yourself
Vaccine Knowledge Project University of Oxford
Health What is immunisation?
Vaccines in Pregnancy
Travel Health Advice
National Travel Health Network and Centre (NaTHNaC)
NaTHNaC advice line- 02073837474.
Good Practice Guidance for Providing a Travel Health Service
RCN Travel Health Nursing: career and competence development
For travel health resources/tools it is recommended to visit Jane Chiodini, Specialist Travel Health Nurse website.
Resources for patients
British Society for Immunology Vaccine resources
Health What is immunisation?
Health Publications to order paper leaflets in various languages